Oh Suiiii,

It’s all started with a surfing trip, and is a collection inspired by the best surfing locations in the world. Chasing the colors of the golden hour, collecting photos of the sunsets at the world's best surfing locations. Extracting colors to recreat nature by combining technology with art. Digitally retaining the fleeting afterglow colors to awaken people's sensibility. In this crazy world, we all deserve this peace of mind.
Q: Are these artworks paintings?
A: Indeed, they are digitally crafted paintings.
Q: Could you explain the process?
A: It begins by gathering photos for each specific location. These images are then fed into an AI program, which generates color charts that represent the location. Using these color charts as a guide, the painting is then meticulously created in digital software like Photoshop or Procreate.
Q: What do the numbers on the paintings signify?
A: The numbers represent the coordinates of various surfing locations around the world.
Q: Why do all your artworks adopt this blurry style?
A: My creations are not meant to be exact representations of reality, but rather they capture my personal emotions at a particular moment. The blurry aesthetic is an invitation for viewers to peer into my inner world, experiencing my perception of that transient reality.

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